A story of TW

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Re: A story of TW

#226 » Post by Lestata of Kraljevo » 16 Jun 2015 20:30




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Re: A story of TW

#227 » Post by Wilcox » 16 Jun 2015 22:23

so blue r.r bell?

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Re: A story of TW

#228 » Post by Etro » 21 Jun 2015 03:54

Is this an other case of Soon™?? =/
"With life, no matter what you do, you are all in. This is going to kill you. Might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting, because... Do you have anything better to do? Really?"

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Re: A story of TW

#229 » Post by belendor » 21 Jun 2015 04:36

bluedude, i'm back from my absend from tw, post new story pls, i wanna hear about my belendorian gaurd
Belendor lvl 80 prot/holy paladin - The original

No need to mention the other paladins.

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Re: A story of TW

#230 » Post by Bluebell » 21 Jun 2015 19:11

Ok! Took some time off, and this became longer than I anticipated. As it's been some time, did a little "Previously" segment to remind people. Don't read if you don't want to!

Season Two

Previously, on Story of TrueWoW
Wilcox dies defending Theramore as the Horde and Demons began their campaign. Stormwind sends for help to Ironforge and begins preparations for a siege. Lestata leaves the Stormwind council in disgust of their treatment of the Demons and takes other members of the Alliance with her. Chasity tells us of the evils of the Demons and their true origin.
People in this chapter:

Chapter 9 - Race for Stormwind
Watching over the cliffs, the Lord of Ironforge stood perched on the jagged stones above the narrow path. His troops marched down the isle surrounded by the snow covered floor and ancient grey stones. Despite being the closest city to Stormwind, Ironforge was lodged deep within the mountains, the journey to the Alliance capital was a long and perilous one. He watched as soldier after soldier dressed in traditional orange and steel armour marched on to war.

Ironforge's army itself was made primarily of infantry, master swordsman who were trained since birth to fight. In modern times these arts may have decayed and had little use, with soldiers turning their skills to hunting or ceremonial positions. Their shields carried the crest of Ironforge, an orange hammer and sickle while their swords were long and slender, forged within the lavas of Ironforge itself.

Snow dropped gently on his crown, made of steel and tipped with orange itself on the points. Laying at the north of the continent and high up led to the surrounding countryside having the most drastic of weather. Fortunately, a lifetime of these harsh conditions built the dwellers of the mountain up with the ability to work under any circumstances. In perfect unison he looked down to the snow covered path seeing a perfect march, no footprints in the snow left as each solder followed the steps of those in front. The men below never faulted their view, not even looking up to their leader, their eyes fixed forward on the task ahead.

Further down the line they left the snow backdrop and finally entered the land of the bandits. Black barren lands scorched by an ancient war, the landscape dominated by a mighty volcano smoking deadly fumes. Lava streamed down from it and trickled around the ash covered ground. Not many sane entered these lands, legends had it they were cursed from the tribulations of an age come to pass. Entering these corrupted lands caused even the bravest soldier to hesitate and doubt, a sense of despair overcame those who even saw this place. Despite these feelings, the army marched on and Ironforge came ever closer to Stormwind.


After much deliberation, the forces of the Horde had set sail, their campaign of conquest only just begun. Using the Demonic ships they journeyed across the great sea to the kingdoms of the Alliance. The Horde themselves were a rather landlocked peoples, causing their maritime knowledge to be severely limited. Keeping to their strengths the Horde planned to enter a neutral port, keeping well away from the Stormwind Navy. Any direct confrontation would play right into the hands of the Alliance.

Cruising through the waves, water gushed against the great warships, a demon deckhand then shouted “Land ahoy! All hands on deck!”.

Ragnorak walked up the stairs onto the flagship's deck. His heavy armour clunked with each step alerting the men atop to stand to attention. He pushed the saluting men around him out of the way nonchalantly and headed towards the bow of the ship. Those around him took out their telescopes and stretched them for a better view, the war chief simply squinted his eyes and focused on the land ahead. His expression turned to a grin as he saw the shores of the Alliance lands edging ever closer.

Near the bottom of the continent sat the trading port of Booty Bay. A largely neutral settlement it was commissioned by a trading corporation. Their loyalty was simply to themselves, and gold. With trade towns set up across both continents they were no strangers to the disagreements between the two major factions, usually profiting in the process. The fleet approached and manoeuvred around the first little island which featured the most dominating landmark. A giant statue perched upon a stone base overlooked the bay, its arms stretched openly to welcome any new potential traders. As they passed the grey stone statue the wooden buildings of the port itself came into view. Built overlying the sea itself, the town featured wooden beams running all across built up through multiple stories, the roofs built from any material possible ranging from wooden planks to plant fibres. Behind the town sat a giant jungle sprawling all over the lush brown mountains. The tropical climate featured many exotic creatures and was in stark contrast to the barren wasteland the Horde came from. Many of the Horde troops came up from the lower decks to feast their eyes on this green beauty.

“Prepare to land” Commanded Ragnorak, walking back towards his chambers.

As he walked back, a messenger bird flew to the ship, Economist took it as it landed and read the message. He then hurriedly followed his commander back into the lower decks where he met Gorecleave and the other war leaders looking over a table. The wooden ship hull seemed gloomy and dark down here, the demons seemed to only add to that presence. In the centre of the room sat a wooden circular table, the map bolted onto it as figures swayed up and down due to the bobbing ship in the sea current. Ragnorak watched angrily as his pieces of war rolled up and down the table not keeping to their place.

“Sir, my Lord. News from our scouts, Smeldor of Ironforge has commited his men to Stormwind's cause. Our estimates suggest they will get there before us, their army far stronger than anything we imagined.” he told the room clutching the paper in his hand.

As the room remained silent, Ragnorak kept looking at the map, before breaking into a chuckle, followed by a bellowing laugh. The room then looked at him not knowing whether to join in or whether their leader had truly lost his mind amidst this news.

“We have not even landed and they call for help! These Stormwind cowards! We shall land and march straight for their capital. We shall intercept these Ironforge fools and crush them before they can meet up!” he mocked.

Gorecleave put a hand on his shoulder and smiled, “Oh, we will not need to rush ourselves my friend. The Ironforge army will be weakened, that I can guarantee. Our time will come, your time shall come. Be patient.. Rest. By sunset our army will be strong, while theirs will be weak.”

Economist hesitantly replied to the Demon King “Perhaps...perhaps he is right sir. We cannot fight both Stormwind and Ironforge's army if we are weak. Even at our strongest we may not have enough for both.”

Ragnorak sneered at them both, shrugging off Gorecleave's hand. Taking one more look at the table he picked up the moving figurines and threw up against the wall, smashing them around the floor. He sighed before walking back up into the sunlight to ready for the coming ashore. As the room watched him depart, the rest of the Horde leadership looked worriedly at each other, whereas the Demons smirked, Gorecleave's grin the largest of them all.


Deep in the scarred lands beyond Redridge the outcasts of Stormwind dwelled. The dark and ancient lands they now inhabited corrupted their souls and changed their values. Once noble Lestata, now posed simply as a vessel for the demonic energy from the surrounding land.  Her cynic views of Stormwind now twisted into spite and hatred. Corruption took its hold on her the hardest. She stood praying on the black altar. Four mighty statues surrounded the centre, stood on a risen platform of grey stone. Lava boiled below and around the platform as the statures carved from the mountain stood guard. They were identical in shape and size, hooded figures with simply a sword pointing straight down to the cold floor. Similar to the altar they were relics of a bygone age where no one dared venture, forgotten by civilization and hidden deep within the mountains.

Lestata's clothes were torn and ragged, covered in dirt and smoke, her skin turned pale and her eyes darkened. Her once shining hair now dyed white and split covered by a hood, her fingers bent and nails long yet chipped. She rose to her feet; no shoes covered her soles as she turned towards the exit, bowing to each statue in turn. Despite the boiling lava her arms wrapped around her body as she shivered and staggered down the stone stairs towards the outcast camp.

The camp was simple tents and camp fires below the daunting mountains and statues. Animal bones cluttered the ground while ash littered the cloth fabrics. Rebels who fled the city with Lestata cowered in their makeshift homes and peered out as she strode down the camp. A soldier then clambered up the rocky passage into the camp and sprinted for her.

As he stumbled towards her his rusty armour clanged together, the cape on his back was torn down the middle, stitched together with different colours.  Black dust covered the steel armour encasing his body and his bug was slightly hunched from the environment, his helm hid his face but for his blood red eyes.

“Mudin” she hissed, “what is it? Speak!” the soldier quickly hastened to her before bowing.
“An Army marches to Stormwind my lady. Warriors from Ironforge, very strong their ranks. We would be wise to stay clear” he told her.

“Enemies! Traitors!” she yelled, her voice turned to shrieking and altering pitches as she lashed out, “How dare they venture in to our sacred lands! We shall strike them down as they sleep!”

Mudin stepped back and clutched his sword, the leather hit ripped. He then promptly swivelled around and walked towards a great brown drum, brown animal hides stretched to create a dominating device. He picked up a large stick with wax at the end, before slamming it into the drum. The sound echoed to the surrounding area, causing the rebels to crawl out into the sunlight from their tents, each one withered and contorted by the corrupted lands.
“Did you hear that?” asked Knewklear alerted by the booming drum.

Everyone heard it. The whole army stopped in their tracks, the tired troops looked around to the cliff tops, waiting to see what approached. Every man and woman clutched their spears, their swords and their bows in anticipation, even Knewklear took out his dagger in panic. With most of Ironforge’s troops marching, Knewklear begged to go with them, his wish had been granted and he squired for Smeldor, marching by the Lord of Ironforge’s side.

Smeldor analysed the landscape. These lands were known to be an ancient evil, yet they were meant to be inhabited by nothing but wild life, and even that was rumoured to be scarce. The bold leader was now amongst his troops on the ground, no longer high above. His view was stifled by the mountains and narrow pass yet he knew the best option would be the safest. His hand rose up, Knewklear raised his flag standard calling for all to listen to their leader’s word.

“We march for open land, and then we shall make our camp. Tomorrow we continue on to Stormwind. Rest today my men, but we must continue on with haste. Stormwind calls for aid” he bellowed around the narrow pass.

The following army then cheered and marched on with new vigour until they slowly came into the open valley, the volcano towering above and jagged edges surrounding the blackened lands. They began to set up camp, unpacking supplies and making light tents. Flags bearing the Ironforge crest were raised atop giant poles stuck into the ground. As they dug to put them in the land seemed to fight back, yet their shovels prevailed and the flags were planted. A few hours passed until the camp was set up, guards took their watch and the night sky came. Knewklear looked up to the giant volcano once more, a beast of another wise barren land before taking to his bed, dagger under his pillow, and starting to sleep.

Suddenly, Knewklear snapped from his slumber. His eyes open slowly and he heard shouting from outside, he climbed out of his tent to see panicked Ironforge troops scrambling for their weapons, rushing up and down. Worried, he ducked under his tent door and reached for his precious dagger. Upon emerging fully from the tent he saw the full extent of the chaos; fires raging all around the camp, flag poles dragged to the ground leaving tattered remnants and frantic fighting dominated the scene.

As he wiped the sweat and smoke from his face, he noticed a figure on all fours hurriedly coming for him, he held his dagger firm ready for the strike. The creature jumped on him, it looked human yet somehow changed and sinister.. As it lunged he was forced to the ground. Dust flew up and enveloped the two as they hit the floor; it covered his eyes and the dagger dropped from his hand. He then felt the creature thrown off him as he rubbed his eyes and crawled for his dagger, as he reached it he found a silver boot. His hand grabbed it and he looked up to see a knight in full Ironforge armour, his shield encased in orange and silver. The knight offered a hand down for Knewklear to help him up, the scout happily accepted and jumped to his feet. Without a moment’s hesitation the knight then turned and ran back into the blazing battle. Knewklear looked up to see the mountain had awoke, the night sky lit up by fire spit out by the eruption. His eyes then locked back down to the camp, Ironforge knights fighting shadowy figures, hunched and crawling, while other fellow Ironforgians desperately tried to stop the fire. Knewklear then looked at his dagger, before charging after the knight into the cauldron of fighting.

As dawn broke, the fighting stopped and the rebels were wiped out or scattered. The army of Ironforge began to tend to the wounded and remove the corpses from the battlefield. Although the casualties did not seem massive, the impact on morale on supplies was dire. These people had a proud history and tradition of fierce warriors, yet this skirmish caught them unaware. A pack of outcasts had laid waste to an Ironforge camp and slaughtered its men, bringing shame to the army's ancestors. Knewklear stumbled to find his great leader, his leg bleeding from injuries. He finally found him surrounded by Kingsguard, the strongest and most loyal of Ironforge's men dedicated to the protection of Smeldor. They lurched over a kneeling knight.

“Who sent you? Who do you serve? Where are you based?” questioned one of the guards before slapping the kneeling knight.

As the hand struck, the knight slowly turned his head back to position and laughed manically in the face of adversity, staring into the ground. Blood dripped down his armour and his hair seemed greased, with patches of bald showing pale and wretched skin.

Smeldor then came into view, and stepped forward past his guard, “Your armour. It is from the stalls of Stormwind. Are you a deserter? Who commands you?”

With Smeldor stepping forward, the knight looked up and spat into the Lord's beard and laughed manically once again. “I have Mudin, the great Mudin of the Stormwind guard” he mocked, his hands gesturing causing the guards to step forward and clutch their weapons, “And I serve our Queen! Our beloved majesty Lestata who led us to these great lands and found us peace from the atrocities of Stormwind!” his face twitched as he spewed the words.

“Lestata? Of the council of Stormwind? What has happened to you to make your mind, your body and even your soul so contorted?” Smeldor replied, concerned for how bad the coming tide may be. Stormwind simply called for help against a coming darkness, an attack by the Horde, it seemed there was more than just the Horde coming.

Mudin laughed at the Lord's expressions of fear, rocking back and forth. Smeldor snapped out of thoughts and looked back to Mudin. His eyes narrows as he glared into the eyes of insanity, which simply started back at him. Smeldor's hand rose up in an open palm, before clenching to a fist, he then turn and walked back through his guards. His men took his command and one stepped forward, slicing a blade through the heart of Mudin. The withered knight grinned and laughed as foam came from his mouth, before he flopped down onto the ground.
Last edited by Bluebell on 04 Jul 2015 22:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A story of TW

#231 » Post by Ragnorak » 21 Jun 2015 19:20

Lok'tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.

I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief's desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief's command.

From this moment until the end of days I live and die - FOR THE HORDE!

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Re: A story of TW

#232 » Post by Lestata of Kraljevo » 21 Jun 2015 23:59

“Mudin” she hissed, “what is it? Speak!” the soldier quickly hastened to her before bowing.

“And I serve our Queen! Our beloved majesty Lestata who led us to these great lands and found us peace from the atrocities of Stormwind!” his face twitched as he spewed the words.

My two favorite parts :D

Ty Blue i love it ^_^


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Re: A story of TW

#233 » Post by Torcano » 22 Jun 2015 17:36

The writing reminds me of warhammer books, where they spend whole chapters dedicated to portraying how hunky the space marines are. Fackin' love it. :P

Also, will Smeldor be sacrificed by his own kingsguard? Find out in the next episode of Blooball Z. (I could be in his kingsguard and kill him if you want, I doubt anybody changes faction on this server as much as I do so it could be lore friendly, #doubleagent)
Infinite Rage!
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Re: A story of TW

#234 » Post by aceman611 » 23 Jun 2015 08:12

Loved the new chapter! I AM DORF!

As for if/how I die, I don't think it should be at the hands of my own men, since I've always commanded the respect of my fellow dwarf brethren. Based on TW experience, my deaths come mostly at the hands of those pesky mages and warlocks, so I think a demon from the horde may play a part. Either that, or I'll just charge into a swath of fiery ground (aka Marrowgar's coldflames ^_^ ).
Smeldor - Ret/Holy Paladin - The Original Dorf
Ivanka - DW Frost DPS/Blood Tank - Suffers from Dorf envy.
Dumboldorf - Dorf fire mage (Yes they exist!)
Smellycat - What are they feeding you? Currently lots of smelly scourge minions.

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Re: A story of TW

#235 » Post by Lestata of Kraljevo » 24 Jun 2015 22:48

aceman611 wrote:Loved the new chapter! I AM DORF!

As for if/how I die, I don't think it should be at the hands of my own men, since I've always commanded the respect of my fellow dwarf brethren. Based on TW experience, my deaths come mostly at the hands of those pesky mages and warlocks, so I think a demon from the horde may play a part. Either that, or I'll just charge into a swath of fiery ground (aka Marrowgar's coldflames ^_^ ).

Well her majesty the evil mage Lestata can kill you :P
Thou she would prefer to find a companion to help her serve/command the demon folk :D
Yet again this is Blue's story so she will chose our fate.


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Re: A story of TW

#236 » Post by Bluebell » 27 Jun 2015 13:34

New chapter! Bit of a long one. I can feel Ragnorak shaking as we get closer to Stormwind...Let me know what you think! If you spot any mistakes, or have any questions/suggestions, please let me know. I put some FAQ on the first page, for stuff like ""Why don't they take the tram?" or "Why are there no orcs?"

People in this chapter:
Chapter 10 - A shadow encounter
Chapter 10 – A Shadow Encounter


On the cusp of Alliance territory, Chillmaster stood watching over the penultimate evacuation an Alliance town, Redridge. A valley cut inside a great mountain range which acted as a natural boarder between the Alliance and the forgotten lands surrounded the lakeside town.  Brown cliff faces stretched around the long lake, while a stone bridge reached over the murky waters and connected the dusty paths to Stormwind’s roads. Fishing boats were dotted around the water while a dock lurched into the lake itself. Along the coast lay the town itself, thatched houses of wood and hay weaved up and down the cliffs while wooden fence pickets patrolled and separated the properties. This peaceful fishing village was now scuttling to escape, Chillmaster was tasked with preparing them to journey to Stormwind, and hide from the invading Horde.

Through the narrow pass from the north he noticed a bulk of troops approaching; he reached for the binoculars by his side and inspected the incoming army. Their thunderous stomping echoed around the countryside and birds fled from their trees as the villagers ceased their actions to look up in fear. Chillmaster sighed in relief; they carried the banner of Ironforge.

Turning to the Redridge townsfolk, he told them “Do not fear people of Redridge. For it is our friends who come, come to help us fight! Carry on with your evacuation post haste!” before jumping down from his look out to meet with the Ironforge army.

Chillmaster stood anticipating their arrival, dusted himself down and watched as they approached. Strangely, they simply blanked him and walked straight through. He had assumed that the troops would help with the evacuation of Alliance towns and help them on their way. As they walked past him he saw tired expressions on their faces, some carrying wounds while others wore blood stained armour. This was the mighty army of Ironforge he thought? They looked like they had already seen enough fighting. Looking up the marching line he noticed many banners around a small contingent, he pushed through to meet the leader of Ironforge.

“Lord Smeldor!” he yelled as the Kings Guard held him back, “Will you not help the people of Redridge? We need assistance!”

Smeldor looked at up with a worn expression “My army needs rest, my troops need reassurance. Believe me my friend; know that no one wants to help more than I. But the horrors we have the seen, the nightmares we witnessed. We cannot stay, nor dwell on such matters. We go to Stormwind to make our defence, and then we shall take our leave.”

“You would ignore the cries for help of our people?” Chillmaster pleaded.
Smeldor stopped his walk and looked at the Stormwind soldier, “It is not our intention to ignore anything. When you have shared our experiences you will know our fears, I decline with a heavy heart, but heart that must decline.” He then continued walking with his troops and the march for Stormwind continued.

Chillmaster stood back as the Ironforge army walked onwards through Redridge. The people of the town looked up from their duties and wondered what was happening. After a moment’s pause, Chillmaster looked up to the town and ran through the marching lines to Redridge itself.  Without the aid of Ironforge’s army, they needed to quickly move out to the final town, the Stormwind province of Goldshire.


After a day of rest, Ragnorak’s patience had run out. Watching over Booty Bay’s docks he saw the sailors and traders scurrying around their little dock. He cared little for them, but knew they were granting his presence in their town. A fight here on the rickety port could prove disastrous and with their hospitality granted there was no strategic advantage from wiping out its inhabitants. He grunted, before grabbing his Axe propped up against the wall and slamming the door open.

“Economist!” he yelled “Ready the men!” before stomping down the wooden stairs.

All around the port soldiers dashed out of the houses and ships grabbing their weapons and clothes as booming drums called for the troops to assemble. Ragnorak pushed through the scrambling mess and out of the town. The path out, the only way into the town by foot, was a dust path through a winding cave. He walked through it into the lush jungle life on the other side, the brown rocky cave lit by simply torches before his view illuminated by the morning sun looming over the jungle.  To his surprise, he found Gorecleave waiting for him, surrounded by his Demon kin. They stood in a line, some straight up and proud wearing black and purple armour, while others stood hunched, their clothing closer to rags; tattered and torn.

Gorecleave smiled as Ragnorak approached, “A beautiful day to die, is it not?” he asked Ragnorak.

Ragnorak raised his eyebrow and rubbed his hands up and down his axe’s hilt, he scanned the surrounding wild life squinting at the sun and vibrant colours of the tropics, “My men lag behind. They are not ready, we will march with you!”

Gorecleave turned, his men turned with him and began to walk down the path, “We are simply going to…scout. Take your time, we will return when you are ready.” He told the war chief.

Frustrated, Ragnorak threw his axe on the ground as he walked away, he began to speak but was blinded briefly. As he looked back up, the Demons had gone but for a misty rail of darkness into the jungle.


Inside Stormwind’s war council, the leaders of the city stood lurched over a map. It stretched over the long brown table and showed Stormwind’s defences, each position marked with the amount of troops expected to man the positions. Large clunks of the forces were placed on the bridge over the valley, where they planned to make their stand.

Obliviana walked into the room, her brown leather armour stood out against the stone white backdrop of the walls. “News from Chillmaster, Ironforge’s army arrive soon. Smeldor plans to make it in time for the right, and can fortify with us.”

The room looked to Obliviana with smiles before cheering at the news of reinforcements. There was no way a Horde army could assault the stronghold of Stormwind against the combined forces of Ironforge and Stormwind. They all seemed overcome with joy at this message, but Rohan remained unimpressed. He noticed Obliviana did not share their glee, he took out his sword and smashed it against the tower wall.

Everyone suddenly stopped their cheering and looked to the interrupting Rohan, Blackluster spoke for the room “Why are you always such a downer Rohan?”

Rohan smirked at the Inquisition councillor, “Tell them, Obliviana, tell them whatever other news you bring.”

The leather strapped Obliviana nodded at him before unravelling another scroll, “Smeldor's troops were attacked. We believe the belligerents to be those that left with Lestasta. Some strange aura surrounds them and the Ironforge troops are weary from battle, their morale shattered.”

As the room looked around worriedly, and Rohan began to nod grimly, Chasity stepped forward from the corner, “Possession. It is the deepest stage of Demonic control. They pray on the isolated and put suggestions in your mind. They know what you want and how to make you think they can get you it. With this possession comes strength and will power never before seen. It would seem your friends have been taken by this dreadful condition.”

“Possession?!” snapped Rohan, “What do we really face out there? What enemy has been brought to our gates?!”

Obliviana continued “There's more, a message from one of patrols. They saw smoke emerging from Westbrook Garrison. When they investigated, they found nothing but corpses, scratch marks and flames.”

Once again the room fell silent. Westbrook Garrison was the closest outpost to Stormwind and acted as a barracks for the local area of Westfall. The troops had been scheduled to return to Stormwind with a skeleton crew left to disrupt any Horde invasion. It seemed the Horde had got ahead of the planned attack and wiped out the garrison. The swiftness of the strike worried the councillors as it scuppered carefully placed plans, and did not bode well for the future.

As the room slowly decayed back into the now omnipresent chaos that riddled the political gatherings of Stormwind's elite in these dark times, Rohan leant over to Obliviana and whispered “What of Chillmaster's progress? Does he accompany the Ironforgians?”.

Obliviana handed him a final scroll from her pouch, “He is at Goldshire sir, preparing for the final evacuation. Lord Smeldor did not feel ready to assist him so it is taking longer than planned.”

After everyone had gathered their thoughts, Obliviana gently placed all three reports onto the table. Rohan then bolted upright and stormed to the doorway. He cleared his throat and made sure he had the full attention of the room.

“They will hit Goldshire next. We must hurry” he commanded before pointing at Obliviana, “Take a small force and head for the town as soon as you can. Chillmaster and his men must be returned with the citizens of Goldshire, we cannot let another settlement fall into ruin!”

Gnurg then stepped forward from the crowd, her armour rustling, “Sir, if I may. Allow me to accompany. I know the men better than any, and I saw first hand what these creatures can do at the battle of Theramore.”

Rohan nodded back to her in acknowledgement, “Very well” he told her, the room now fully listening to his commands.

As head of the armed forces, the Inquisition and Divinity leaders fell into line for Rohan's rule in this time of war. After a short preparation, Obliviana and Gnurg led their company to relieve Chillmaster at Goldshire.


Looking towards Stormwind, Chillmaster could see the rear of the Ironforge column on the horizon. They marched quickly on to the great city of the Alliance while he was left to pick up the pieces at the last Alliance town.

Goldshire sat some distance from Stormwind, yet the castle walls and mighty towers could be seen on a good day if you looked carefully enough. With only a handful of buildings other than thatched houses and wooden barns the small communal hub seemed pale in comparison to the daunting city. A large inn dominated the centre of the town, while the famous blacksmith where many of Stormwind's weapons were crafted from Goldshire's own mines sat opposite, its chimney always filling the air with smoke.

With time running around the citizens gathered as much as they could onto the carts, even the guards of the town and soldiers of Chillmaster's scouting division rushed around to try finish as soon as possible. Goldshire's guards wore the standard silver armour of Stormwind, with blue cloaks and lion crested shield, whereas the men of Chillmaster's division wore lighter armour with green cloaks, trimmed slightly with gold. They carried a cross section of bows and short swords giving them more mobility and diversity in combat.

Just when the Ironforge army walked over the hill out of sight, a feeling of dread crept through the town. Chillmaster turned his back from Stormwind promptly and gripped his sword as horses bolted from their carts. Stable hands struggled to restrain the remaining horses and citizens began to cry out in panic. Chillmaster looked up to see the sky turning dark, he swivelled around and saw darkness encapsulating the small town until it was fully surrounded. He looked up to the spires of Stormwind beyond the hill, yet his view was blocked by nothing but blackness.

Everyone stopped what their actions, the town became as silent as the dead. People stood still looking around cautiously, the guards clutched their swords while the villagers hung to their loved ones. Suddenly, dashes of shadows dashed across the town sweeping people away. Cries of help sprung all around as families were tore apart and people flung into the darkness. Chillmaster desperately spun around looking for any potential attacks yet only shadows emerged from the darkness. Slowly but surely, the villagers were picked off and everyone began backtracking to the centre, anyone who attempted to flee was heard yelling as they entered the darkness, or simply got grabbed by a shadowy figure.

After seeing the horrors before him, Chillmaster had seen enough. He firmly put his hand on his sword and bellowed “Guards of Goldshire! Draw your swords!” and immediately unsheathed his sword.

Following suit the soldiers of his company and guards of the town drew their weapons. The archers of the group dashed for the middle and looked around for targets to aim for amongst the mess. Falling into line, the soldiers began to cluster, they watched as their friends were picked off and dragged along the ground screaming in agony for help. Desperately the bowmen fired arrows at the shadows, but in vein. The soldiers attempted to bring and help as many villagers into the cohort as possible and offer protection in the middle of the village.

Finally, the screaming stopped. A handful of villagers rushed out from nearby shelter and hid behind the soldiers. The troops began looking around, clinging to their weapons and holding back the worried villagers. Some crying with hands over their eyes denying what they saw, while others could not help but peer around to see. Chillmaster scanned the surroundings, as he carefully inspected the darkness beyond the town he noticed movement. As the darkness began to edge closer towards the group, Chillmaster looked in shock at what faced him from the other side.


Frantically the Stormwind relief force made its way to Goldshire riding the fastest horses the city could muster. They rushed out over the bridge of Stormwind and under the great statues before leaving the mighty city gates. On their way they ran past the worn army of Ironforge, cutting around them. Much to the shock of Smeldor, who assumed it was a meeting party.

Upon reaching the hill above the small town, Obliviana pulled up and held her hand aloft. Gnurg came beside her and looked down to Goldshire. Despite not being as severe, darkness still surrounded the buildings and the difference was noticeable from this distance. Gnurg and Obliviana exchanged glances before continuing down the hill.

They entered the town to see empty streets and houses, their horses slowed to a gentle trot. Riding two by two the group made its way towards the centre of the town seeing nothing along the way.

“It looks like Chillmaster was able to pack up and leave in time. He is probably already hidden with the Ironforge army” posed Gnurg, who rode at the head of the chain with Obliviana.

Obliviana sighed, “No, he was not with them. I know that. Keep looking”.

Turning the corner around the Inn the two councillors gasped in horror. Lining the floor and surrounding the village lay corpses of Alliance citizens. Scratch marks could be seen entrenched along the ground, some heading into the forest without sign of stopping. As they hesitantly continued, the very middle of the town showed the worst signs of struggle. Soldiers and citizens along piled high in a group, killed where they stood. The two dismounted while the remaining men caught up and inspected the damage.

As Obliviana knelt down and ran her fingers over Chillmaster's armour, she tried to hold back the tears. She looked over the decaying bodies of the troops and the panicked expressions on their motionless bodies, locked time capsules of their last moments of horror. Before she could mourn too much, she was interrupted abruptly.

“Obliviana...” yelled Gnurg, “Men, on me!”

Darkness swiftly flew from the forest up to the city once again, screams could be heard all around. The horses began to panic and jump as the soldiers looked around worried and scared. Inside their heads voices cried out for help while whispers in their ears brought insanity closer.

Obliviana looked around and took to her feet, a lone soldier wearing a green cloak, ripped along the bottom crawled towards them. His face covered in dust and blood, looked up to the group of Stormwind troopers with a horrified expression. As the soldiers slowly approached him, a shadow strolled forward from behind the darkness.

The shadow crept closer and slowly transformed into a translucent dark knight dressed in full plated armour. Before the soldier could reach the group the shadowy figure came over him, he saw the men in front of him halter their advance and the looks on their faces. Reluctantly he turned his head to see the looming presence of the dark knight and quickly tried to drag himself along the ground towards help. As he scuttled along the floor, the shadow drew a long blade and pulled it up above him with two hands.

“No!” yelled Obliviana, drawing her bow, “Whatever you are, begone!” she aimed her bow towards the figure and fired her arrow precisely.

Failing to piece, the arrow simply shot straight through the dark knight. As it passed through the body, the knight's sword sliced through the crawling soldier's body. His eyes went white and his movements stopped. After a few seconds, the knight whistled away back into the darkness like a vapour, and the soldier with it as if sucked into the darkness. Obliviana stood frozen watching the darkness in front of her.
Last edited by Bluebell on 27 Jun 2015 23:44, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A story of TW

#237 » Post by Ragnorak » 27 Jun 2015 14:11

Holy crap, this was the quickest release by far <3 ty bludude! Legit cannot wait for the next chapter, siege of stormwind is almost here!!!
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Re: A story of TW

#238 » Post by Torcano » 27 Jun 2015 22:51

Jeebuz, that's a huge chapter... might as well order a pizza and have a cozy reading session. :D
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Re: A story of TW

#239 » Post by Gnurg » 27 Jun 2015 23:00

I'm so important i get mentioned twice in the spoiler. :0000000

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Re: A story of TW

#240 » Post by Lestata of Kraljevo » 28 Jun 2015 00:53

Nice one :)


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